كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية

قسم طب المجتمع

Community medicine department is a corner stone in faculty of medicine through which vision and mission of the college is clearly addressed where contribution to the development of a broad minded medical professional, who is expected reveal knowledge and competence with aspiration when dealing with primary health care, desire for persistent learning, evidence-based practice, interdisciplinary team work, and professional and ethical behavior in practice in order to take part in improving and sustaining heath throughout life cycle in Sudan in particular  and wherever he goes in general.


Teaching students which is accomplished through lectures seminars along two modalities 4 block courses include:

  1.  Basic epidemiology and statistics
  2. .Research methodology
  3.  PHC and family medicine
  4.  Preventive medicine and rural residence

The other modality integrated teaching of relevant topics of public health importance in each module throughout the preclinical phase. Research component during the clinical phase ending by issuing clearance for graduation after submission and acceptance of graduation thesis.

  1. Practical training which include PHC training within family medicine module and community oriented training during rural residence.
  2. conducting Researches: starts early by proposal writing practice in pre-clinical stage and thesis in clinical phase, and promote students and staff to conduct and publish researches.
  3. Students assessment: summative through written exam containing MCQ, EMQs, SSAs, problems, feasibility of OSPEs is to be considered. Formative assessment is done through seminar presentation and group activities (proposal, thesis and residence report.
  4. Meeting: regular department meetings are held face to face and online by applicable platform in which all courses and lectures are discussed, examinations are finalized, results are analyzed and managerial issues are tackled.
  5. Communications: intra and interdepartmental mainly through WhatsApp groups, including college and university announcements, timetables, distribution and reminders of lectures between staff available opportunities for capacity building or researches, other platforms eg: email and telegram are sometimes used according to the need.  
  6. Community participation: though social responsibility activities and researches, outreach campaigns
  7. Fund raising: picking available opportunities, project writing, consultations provision
  8. Health system support: Being part of committees to support health system reform on individual basis or through the department, orientation of student about the health system. 
  9. An idea of establishing units within the department was discussed but is not in place because of staff shortage and unavailable office infra structure.





  • Dr. Suad Eltahir Ali:Head Department
  • Dr. Mona Mohammed Elamin (deputy dean female center)
  • Dr. Zeinab Madani
  • Dr. Alia Salih
  • Dr. Alaa Elshafi
  • Dr. Mawahib Elawad (unpaid vacation)
  • Retained staff:
  • Prof: Abdallah Mahjoub
  • Dr. Nayla Mubarak
  • Par timers:
  • Dr. Amal Elamin
  • Dr. Ahmed Hassan
  • Dr. Afkar Awad